Sunday, April 25, 2010

A touch of Spring in the Desert

I won't bore everyone with so many pictures of our yard this year but I did have to get a couple in.

Because of the rains this winter the plants are much more prolific and the desert is gorgeous.

They also say that because of the unusual abundance of flowering trees and plants this spring it is the worst year for allergies in a very long time - but it is beautiful!


Beverly said...

I agree this is the worst year for allergies!

But the plants are beautiful.

alice said...

What beautiful flowers!! The hills in Texas are awash with color this spring..also from the heavy winter rains. We're off to Santa Fe in the morning for a few days. My friend,Nancy, bought 20 antique hand carved Mexican angels..ranging in size from 2 feet to 4 feet long...They are Very Ugly!!!!But, she has sold them to someone in Santa Fe..and we are making the delivery. Should be fun!!