Sunday, April 4, 2010

Gila Woodpeckers

Apparently our Gila Woodpeckers love the sugar water in the hummingbird feeder.

Sometimes one is waiting in the background for another one to leave or sometimes one
is even perched on the top of the feeder.

We've never seen Gila Woodpeckers and Hummingbirds eating at the same time but
they seem to take turns - one coming right after the other.

Photos by Michael


Beverly said...

The woodpeckers are beautiful, hope we get to see them when we come down.

alice said...

You live in such a beautiful area of the country..I've just looked at the past couple of months of your blog..and Dallas is so ugly. I miss the southwest very much.
All is well here. One of my grandsons is in Afghanistan with the marines but says he is safe. I love playing with the babies..all five greatgrand kids.Have just spent a week in freezing San Francisco with my,but cold. Miss you..Alice