Saturday, December 18, 2010

Zoolights at Reid Park Zoo

Our friend, Cara, gave us two tickets to the 2010 Reid Park Zoolights which we had never seen so last Sunday we drove down to the zoo (also the first time we had been to the zoo) for the event.

When we arrived the line must have been about 1,000 people long. We started to wait when Michael mentioned that maybe this was the line to buy tickets and there was a shorter line for people with tickets.

I walked up to the entrance and as I was walking up there a man was coming down the line asking if people already had their tickets and if they did he would direct them to the shorter line - I found that line and called Michael on my phone to come and join me in the line that had maybe 15 people in it!

Needless to say we were one of the first people to enter the zoo and that enabled us to get better photos.

We even managed to see one of the animals although he didn't display his face.

It was well done and we enjoyed ourselves.

We stopped by to thank Cara for her generosity on our way out.

Friday, December 17, 2010

3 Sewing Machines Later or 3 of 4 Cushions Finished

Since we moved in to our home here in Tucson we have wanted to have cushions for the outdoor seating/kitchen area to make it more comfortable to sit either in the cold or the heat.

We bought the Sunbrella last year and the foam this year and hauled it down from Tacoma.

Beverly, my sister, agreed to make the cushions with me helping wherever I could - she is the expert!

So earlier this month Bev came down to spend a few days with us and make the cushions. She brought her older machine and I had a newer machine. We could not get Bev's machine to work with the Sunbrella and after quite a few tries gave up on it.

Cutting out the cushions
We then moved on to our new Singer lightweight machine which did just fine with the fabric. The first two cushions went very well but when Bev was about half way through the third cushion my machine just died. We spent a lot of time working on it doing everything we knew how to do then called Singer who suggested that we open it up - it is well sealed like a lot of products these days - and we tried but were afraid that we were going to break the housing. They didn't know what else to do so Bev and I returned it to Costco and bought the only machine they had on the floor - a different Singer.

The Third Machine
This machine was terrible from the first stitch! The fabric moved around, Bev couldn't make it sew around corners, it jammed, the feeddogs would not adjust to help with the issues. She, a saint, managed to finish the third cushion but it took ten times as long as it should have. Needless to say we returned that machine to Costco also.

The fourth cushion Bev took home with her to sew on one of the machines the family has up there. She also took home the pieces to make our bbq cover.

Laying out the bbq cover

Bev and Michael testing out the first cushion

Bev was so much more patient that I was with the @#$% machine!

Chef Michael

While we were in Tacoma we bought a 'real professional' Chef's coat for Michael.

This year my sister, Beverly, used her very fancy machine to embroider "Chef Michael" above the left pocket.

Looks great!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ayla's 4th Birthday Party

My Grand Niece turned four recently and invited us to her party up in Avondale.

We drove up to Phoenix, ran some errands, spent the night then joined family and friends for Ayla's birthday party at her parents' home.

She had a couple of friends there along with her younger sister, Lyra. Princess garb, etc. was the theme as you can tell from the photos.

We missed last year's party and she has grown up a lot.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Back Approach to Mount Lemmon trip

One of the reasons we bought the Toyota 4Runner was to use it on 4x4 roads so we bought the only guidebook we could find. In the book there is an "EASY" 4x4 trip up the backside of Mount Lemmon.

We talked our friends and neighbors, Don and Penny, into joining us for the day, packed a picnic lunch and took off.

To get to the 4x4 route we drove to the town of Oracle which is about 40 miles from our home.

We passed the BIG molar along the way (separate blog entry).

The first part of the dirt road was actually quite nice. It is obvious that it is graded frequently.

However when we got to the 7 mile Mount Lemmon sign the road changed dramatically along with a sign stating that the road is closed from December 15 through March 1st. We had no idea that it was closed for part of the year and were very happy that we had arrived in time and didn't have to turn back.

From then on the road became much rougher with larger ruts and larger rocks to navigate over. It narrowed to one lane which made passing oncoming vehicles more challenging.

However, the 4Runner performed beautifully! Michael said he never felt any loss of control and loved it.

We stopped at a small plateau along the way and had lunch in the SUV as it was in the low 30s outside and the wind was blowing.

Weather during the trip ranged from sun and blue skies, to small amounts of rain, to sleet and eventually a couple inches of snow. We managed to test the 4Runner out in all kinds of weather and road conditions. The back road had very little traffic and the snow stuck easily - never slid a bit. Then we got to the paved road we tested swerving back and forth and slammed on the brakes. We were all very pleased and surprised at the amount of control the 4Runner had even when testing it.

Drove up to Summerhaven and visited the General Store where a young boy in shorts but gloves, boots, jackets and pretty warm cap was shoveling snow outside the store asking the gods to have the snow stop so he could stop. He posed for me.

As we drove down Catalina Highway back toward home we found out that the road was actually closed up to the summit unless you had chains or 4 wheel drive. This time we would have been OK but had we driven up from that side to drive down the backside and the road had been closed to vehicles with out chains we would have been sadly disappointed.

We didn't expect to experience a Winter Wonderland yesterday but it was beautiful.

The view from the backside road and the paved road were many and gorgeous.

We had a great time yesterday!

After we got back to Tucson we were passing Zona78, a local restaurant, when Penny said she loved their happy hour. We turned around and had a Happy Hour dinner.

Molars R Us

Yesterday our neighbors, Don and Penny, joined us for a 4x4 trip up the backside of Mount Lemmon but while we were passing through Oracle Penny spotted this very large molar and since Don is a dentist we turned around, went back and took pictures with them.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday

We took our new 4Runner this year to do Black Friday shopping. In the past we had to run home and empty our car then return to pick up our paid for purchases because they wouldn't fit in the car - no problem this year!

We made one run and fit everything in to the back as you can tell from the photos!

Butterflied Thanksgiving Turkey

One of our bon Appetit magazines had an article about butterflying turkeys. So we decided that our 23.5 lb Thanksgiving turkey would be butterflied this year and then cooked on the grill.

Michael was worried about messing up his clothing so as you can tell he was dressed minimally.

We managed to take pictures before it went on the grill but when it was done we didn't take pictures but rather sliced it and ate it with our cousins, George and Marj, for dinner. It turned out beautifully and tasted great - we will do this again.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Our new Toyota 4Runner

Yesterday we picked up our new Toyota 4Runner! Very Exciting.

Today we drove it to Saguaro National Park West and this time took the 4wheel dirt road and explored places we would never be able to with the Acura - which we still love but it has a very different purpose.

We took a short hike up Signal Hill to check out some petroglyphs.

The 4Runner handled beautifully in the dirt, the sand and deep ruts in the road. We had a great time.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tucson's All Souls Procession

Last Sunday, November 7th, we met our friends Pamm and Andy downtown Tucson for the traditional All Souls Procession.

We ended up walking in the parade taking pictures and being amazed at the costumes, the involvement of so many people in the event and of the number of onlookers.

Our friend Pamm is standing next to the cigarette man and with me. Michael managed to get a photo of Andy looking at? Michael says that it isn't the size of lens that is so important.

The last picture is a contraption that is hundreds of feet in the air with the acrobatics around it, above it and handing from it. It was spellbinding.

It was fascinating and another facet of Tucson.

We plan to return next year which tells you something!