Sunday, March 29, 2009

More yard work

Today (Saturday) the young men we had hired to help us clean up the yard came and worked on the rockery around the house.

In 6 hours they managed to move all the rocks, dig up the roots to buffel grass and other weeds, then apply RoundUp and put all the rocks back for half of that rockery.

Thursday afternoon they are planning on coming back to hopefully finish up that area of the rocks before we move on to other areas!

Boy, they worked hard. Saw several centipedes, scorpions, spiders and they believe one baby rattle snake (but we're notabsolutely sure what kind of snake it really was and it is a little early for the young rattlesnakes). We even saw a live pack rat go running by after they lifted a large rock and disturbed it -  And a pretty big lazy lizard resting in a prickly pear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow! that looks like a lot of work! i dont like work... i like armadillos...