Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

In 2008 we had over 70 Trick or Treaters, in 2009 we had around 25, this year counting the two tonight we had a total of six! Guess the neighborhood is growing up............

Sadly one of our favorite kids has moved away and we miss her but it was still fun.

One family that lives close by did not come by last night - they have every year - so Michael sent them an email asking why they went to our neighbors' homes but not to ours. They came by this evening in partial costume and said that they thought we weren't 'doing Halloween' this year. Since we had so few takers this year we loaded them up with candy from none other than Brown and Haley in Tacoma.

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Your pumpkins were great!

I can see why you didn't have trick or treaters, a doctor with a saw would scare me away! :>

Happy Halloween.

If you want to see trick or treaters come up our way we had 270 this year!