Saturday, June 19, 2010

Trip to Ketchikan - part A

Today is Saturday, the temperature outside is 67 degrees and rising, the sky is blue and it is gorgeous!

Are we in Ketchikan?

Thursday we arrived and our friend Terry met us at the airport then we took the ferry over to Ketchikan. The picture of Michael and Terry on the ferry - Michael says I should write that the sun was behind them and it looks like he has more grey hair than he actually does.

Since we had brought a suitcase full of food from Costco (where else?) we went to Terry's condo first and filled his refrigerator and freezer.

Then we took a little tour around downtown Ketchikan with four(!) cruise ships in port. Downtown has changed tremendously since the last time we were here in 1993 and it reminded both Michael and me of St. Thomas. Same shops, same hawkers and same crowds but different weather. The Downtown is now filled with gift shops and services catering to cruise ship passengers and not the local people anymore.

We did stop at the Forest Service's Museum downtown and Michael's National Parks Senior Pass got us all in free - so - since Terry is now 62 we decided to buy him his very own park pass. He can now visit any National Park and take a carload of people with him free of charge for the rest of his life. The bargain of the century - $10 for the rest of your life.

When you get out of town Ketchikan still has great charm.

Stopped at a fish market and bought fresh caught white King Salmon for dinner which Michael cooked - it was great.

Yesterday we drove to Totem Bight and to Saxman to see more Totem Poles. Some of it we remembered but things have been ungraded for the cruise ships. Both places were devoid of tourists when we went and they were beautiful, peaceful and educational.

We had lunch at Cape Fox where we ate many years ago - trips down memory lane.

Then we went to the marina where Terry's son, Josh, has his charter boat and he gave us some fresh caught halibut for last night's dinner. The last time we saw Josh who is now 29 was in 1993. He now has a family with two children and is doing well in the charter business. Great boat!

Having a great time - the weather is fabulous - so far no rain! Unbelievable!

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