Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Typical Day Right now

A typical day while we are getting settled:

We started at 8 am with the 2 installers from Tucson Rolling Shutters installing our last exterior shutter and repairing under warranty one over the master bath jacuzzi tub.

Then on to Dennis, 'our pool guy'. He comes once a week to clean and monitor our pool and for a while to teach us more about it.

We had noticed a few days before some water on the ground around the pool equipment but we could not find a leak in any of the equipment so we showed it to Dennis and he promptly found that it was an irrigation leak.

So, after the man who came to give us a quote on a weed protection plan for next year we called Paul Berkely of Berkely Irrigation who had been recommended to us by a friend here.

He and his assistant, Carlos, arrived in less than 20 minutes. Dug with a pick and shovel around and under the pool equipment wall, fixed the leak and while Carlos was covering it all back up Paul taught us more about our irrigation monitor box and our system. We have 4 zones that water at different times but we had no idea where those zones were so we walked around the property with Paul and identified part of them but also found another irrigation leak.

Carlos immediately started to work again and in literally minutes had dug up the area, fixed the leak and replaced the little stone stream above it.

Unbelievable service. We will continue to use them.

Then on to some shopping we needed to do that day before the sales ended.

Oh, the day before the pest, termite and rodent man was here but we forgot to take of photo of him working so we have included a picture of a termite bait trap.

Then at the end of the day Michael made chicken parmigiana for dinner and we collapsed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

michael looks angry when he's tasting soup... what did the soup do wrong?