Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our friend Timmy finally came to visit

After three years we finally convinced our friend Timmy to come and visit us here in Tucson.

Harris Hawk climbing during the Raptor Show

Besides digging holes to plant three citrus trees, setting up our new Network Media Player, helping us decide on how to put up our outdoor weather stations we visited the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum.

A mature Harris Hawk returning to a trainer for food during the Desert Musuem's Raptor Show which never fails to impress us and this one was the best ever!

We also went on a tour of Tohono Chul with our friend, Bonnie, who is in the final throes of studying to be a docent there.

Bonnie did a great job and we all learned things about the desert and her plants.

Bonnie taught us about irrigation, history of the park, the plants and also pointed out a hummingbird sitting on her nest.

Tree Pruning

Not only did we go to the Gem Show with my sister, Beverly, and my brother in law, Cliff, but he brought his chain saw with him to help us prune some large branches around the property.

My sister took the photos.